Autor: Katarzyna Nowacka-Bandosz | 97 |
Strony: 97-122
pełen tekst
The article presents the analysis of the rate and dynamics of Polish export of factor and non-factor services in the aspect of the competitiveness of such export. It has been shown that the character of the export specialization in services was determined in a great deal by the price competition (the result of lower costs of labour) in providing certain types of non-factor services e.g., transportation services (mainly land transportation), construction services and some other business services and – as for non-factor services – services of labour. The contribution of such services to Polish export supply indicated growing tendency. Nevertheless, there was a substantial decline in the role of travel services, in which Polish export was also competitive, however with decreasing tendency.
All the above mentioned types of factor and non-factor services have a considerable meaning in the structure of Polish export of services – mainly to the European Union countries (since they cover over 90 per cent of our export supply). Their further development plays a significant role for Polish economic growth since they generate surplus, which may be used to cover rising expenses of Polish companies on the purchase of business and financial services, which shows deficit. As far as the last mentioned services are concerned, Poland does not show the competitive character on the international market. It mostly concerns factor services of capital but it also refers to a number of non-factor services, particularly communications, financial services, royalties and licence fees and other. The majority of enumerated services has no perspective for export development.

The article presents the analysis of the rate and dynamics of Polish export of factor and non-factor services in the aspect of the competitiveness of such export. It has been shown that the character of the export specialization in services was determined in a great deal by the price competition (the result of lower costs of labour) in providing certain types of non-factor services e.g., transportation services (mainly land transportation), construction services and some other business services and – as for non-factor services – services of labour. The contribution of such services to Polish export supply indicated growing tendency. Nevertheless, there was a substantial decline in the role of travel services, in which Polish export was also competitive, however with decreasing tendency.
All the above mentioned types of factor and non-factor services have a considerable meaning in the structure of Polish export of services – mainly to the European Union countries (since they cover over 90 per cent of our export supply). Their further development plays a significant role for Polish economic growth since they generate surplus, which may be used to cover rising expenses of Polish companies on the purchase of business and financial services, which shows deficit. As far as the last mentioned services are concerned, Poland does not show the competitive character on the international market. It mostly concerns factor services of capital but it also refers to a number of non-factor services, particularly communications, financial services, royalties and licence fees and other. The majority of enumerated services has no perspective for export development.