Z dniem 1 października 2019 r. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania zmienił nazwę na Wydział Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania.
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Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
i Zarządzania
ul. Mickiewicza 64
71-101 Szczecin
tel. (+48) 91 444 1801
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Course in English

pdf Economics and IT Applications

Duration of course: 3 years (6 Terms)

Degree awarded: B.Sc.

Type of studies: FULL-TIME

Tuition fee: for non EU citizens 2 000 EUR per year / free for EU citizens

Admission fee: 85 pln

pdf Course programme

pdf Public Management

Duration of course: 2 years (4 Terms)

Degree awarded: M.Sc.

Type of studies: FULL-TIME

Tuition fee: for non EU citizens 2 000 EUR per year / free for EU citizens

Admission fee: 85 pln

pdf Course programme

Applying to University of Szczecin
Guide for foreign candidates >>>
PictureUniversity of Szczecin
Faculty of Economics and Management

Tel.: +48 91 4441902, +48 91 4441835
Fax: +48 91 4441925
E-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Postal address:

ul. Mickiewicza 64
71-101 Szczecin


For several years the Faculty has been co-operating with foreign universities, among others from: Germany, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom, USA. Student and academics exchanges take place, as well as conferences, symposia, lectures and research fellowships.

Within the Socrates-Erasmus Programme our Faculty has been co-operating with the following European universities:
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund (Germany)
  • Helsinki Technical University (Finland)
  • Hochschule Wismar (Germany)
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)
  • Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
  • Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France)
  • Universita degli Studi di Bari (Italy)
  • Universität Rostock (Germany)
  • Universität Kassel (Germany)

Areas of study at bacheler and master level:

- Management economics
- Financial analysis and valuation of companies
- European Integration
- Economics of the public sector
- Economics of the health care

Finance and Accounting
- Accounting and financial reporting
- Accounting and corporate finance
- Banking and management of public finance
- Financial accounting and auditing
- Management accounting and controlling
- Accounting and financial consulting
- Finance and accounting firms
- Financial management of the public administration and banking

- Managerial competence
- Human resource management in the enterprise
- Managing a business
- Quality Management
- Marketing management in business
- Strategic Management
- Managing human capital in organizations
- Business Management
- Innovation Management
- Strategic Marketing Management

IT and Econometrics
- IT business analyst
- Software engineering
- Internet in management and business
- Analysis of the data exchange and insurance
- Internet in management and business
- Informatics in management
- Analysis of stock market data
Areas of study at bacheler level:

Economics and IT ApplicationsProgram description

Management and Production Engineering
- Internet Engineering
- Project Management
- Marketing management of SMEs

Entrepreneurship and Investments
- Innovation in the enterprise
- Investments in the enterprise

Real Estate Management

Economic Analytics

Postgraduate studies

- Financial analysis in the business administration
- Audit and internal control for improving the management
- Consulting and tax accounting
- Master of Administration Business
- Accounting
- Accounting from scratch to the certificate
- Real estate market
- Evaluation of enterprises
- Management of family companies
- Managing the health care units in Poland
- Human Resource Management

Doctoral studies

The graduates with the master degree may apply for doctoral studies in Economics, Management Science and Finance. The following disciplines are available: econometrics, accounting, finance, macroeconomics, microeconomics, enterprise theory, business information, marketing, foreign trade, international economic relations.

- theory and application of quantitative methods in economy
- real estate market
- management accounting
- accounting in financial institutions
- accounting in public sector
- public finance: tax theory, finance in local governments
- macroeconomics: inflation, monetary policy, fiscal policy, economic policy, growth theory
- innovations in enterprises, quality economics, economics and organisation of enterprises
- economic and financial analysis of companies and institutions, business valuation methods, financial engineering, liquidity management, long-term financial investment management
- information systems, application of IT in economy
- marketing research, marketing planning, marketing of financial and tourist services
- foreign trade, prices in international market
Institute of Accounting
- Department of Accounting Theory
- Department of Financial Accounting
- Department of Management Accounting and Controlling
- Department of Financial Reporting and Auditing
- Department of Corporate Finance and Taxation
Institute of Econometrics and Statistics
- Department of Econometrics
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Operations Research and Applied Mathematics in Economics
Institute of Economics
- Department of Business Analysis and Strategy
- Department of Foreign Trade and International Economic Relations
- Department of Macroeconomics
- Department of Microeconomics
- Department of Socio-Economic Policy and European Regional Studies
Institute of Finance
- Department of Finance
- Department of Insurance and Capital Markets
- Department of Financial Management
Institute of IT in Management
- Department of IT System Engineering
- Department of Management and Knowledge Engineering
- Department of Decision Support Systems
- Department of Information Society
- Department of Computer Methods in Experimental Economics
- Computer Laboratories
Institute of Management and Investment
- Department of Enterprises Economics
- Department of Corporate Management
- Department of Investments and Business Appraisal
Institute of Management and Marketing
- Department of Marketing
- Department of Organisation and Management
- Department of Human Capital Management


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