From a family to a market? Dilemma of financing the care delivered to disabled as an element of costs of disability concept.

Scientific goal of the project
The basic limitation for the universal model of public finance is the obligation to include the conditions imposed by the financial environment. One, that can be listed, is the constitutional guarantee of the special rights of social protection given to disabled persons. The scientific goal of this project is to create the theoretical model of financing the care delivered to disabled, especially in the situation of social structures evolution and resources limitation. At the same time this project will finalize the few-year studies on the original theory of the costs of disability, which systematize the expenses on disability policy and called for transparency and concentration.
The problem of payment for the care delivered to disabled, because of its complexity, is rather difficult and not very popular. Simultaneously, it creates the significant element of the state's social policy, being shaped in the previous political regime (in case of Poland). The development of the theoretical model of financing the care delivered to disabled as an element of the theory of the cost of disability, shell lead to the evaluation of theoretical impact of these costs on changes within the welfare state model and on the further public expanses.

Both, the object of the studies and the character of data base, justify the usage of the commonly known quantitative and qualitative methods. The main research tools implemented within the project are: macro and micro presentations, descriptive comparisons, critical comparative analysis, evaluative assessments and conclusions, also with hypothetical character. The applicant will carry studies on literature and archive and will implement the survey form research, as well as the conduct interviews with specialists and experts.
Because of the data base limitation and, even disability as an objects of the research is very complex and multi-conditional, only the basic tools of econometric are going to be used. These are instruments of the descriptive statistics, such as index of structure and dynamics. The structure of the project goes along the logic from the general matter to the facts, from the description to the factors and effects analysis and finally to the conclusions and recommendations.

The previous publications, both international and Polish, refer to the general issues of social welfare and care services, mainly focusing on the problem of old age or to the selected elements of the social protection of disabled people. None of them refers to the financial aspects of the care services delivered to the disabled in their life course, as well as, attempt to take into consideration the theory of public finance in the public expenses shaping.

Impact on science development
Disability, despite the development of anti-discrimination legislation and the public perception of disabled, is still one of the main factors of poverty, and as the effect of it – the stigma and exclusion. Moreover, it affects not only directly a disabled person, but indirectly this persons friends and family, who (in many countries) are legally expected to deliver the care. Families, often parents or spouses, have to often give up their professional activity and become fully dependent on the system of public care services. Along the change of economic regime, we can observe the strengthen of the care recognized as a commodity. This care, no matter the source of finance (public or private) has to be bought on the market.
This project is essential to understand problems and rules of system's financing, the development of finance of the care delivered to disabled and reasons of deviation from the modeled situation. The project will also include the discussion over the goal of such modeled situation, because in practice the only determinant seems to be financial capability and political trade-off. The reports, developed within the project, should present the new knowledge captured in an alternative, an innovative, sometimes a controversial, way.
The researches over disability policy finance have the relatively short history. However, in the applicant opinion, the instruments and data are already good enough to enable the development of system of care financing as well as to place the finance of disability policy into public finance theory.
For the 3 years, according to the maternity obligation the applicant had to limit her research activity. However, she carried the literature studies and surveys, as well as consultation on the disability policy finance. This project, in accordance to the professional return and the reform of the high education, shell enable to finalize researches on the theory of disability costs and its last element, which is the problem of care finance. The emphasis was put on the quality and circulation of project's effects. This is why the most of publication will be edited in English, the schedule includes international and domestic study visits and the remuneration, which allows the applicant to focus on the project realization.
The expected effects of the project: two analytic reports in English, a monograph "Costs of disability" in Polish, the web page of the project, minimum 3 papers in English submitted to international journals with high impact factor, minimum 6 papers in Polish submitted to national reviewed journals, minimum 3 papers in English submitted to international conferences, minimum 3 papers in Polish submitted to national conferences. The applicant believes, that this project will strengthen former research contacts and will allow to create the new networks, necessary for further development of multinational research programs. The long-distance goal of the applicant is to create the Centre of Disability Economy at the home faculty.